July 27, 2024, 11:00 a.m.

Enter with Praise
Aysha Inankur

Welcome & Prayer
Edwin Abraham

Opening Hymn
343 I Will Sing of My Redeemer

Offering Call
GCC Ministries

Scripture Reading
Michael Andrews
Acts 5:27-32

Morning Prayer
Edwin Abraham

Children's Story

Special Music
Rachel Beckord, Charity Richardson, and Rachelle Pelote

Morning Message
Wes Peppers
When They Saw, They Said Nothing

Closing Hymn
205 Gleams of the Golden Morning

Wes Peppers

PianistMichael Nelson  Choristers Aysha Inankur



Transfer In/First Reading
Rama Ratnavel from Adventgemeinde Tuebingen SDA Church (Germany)
Abhishek Thavamani from Adventgemeinde Tuebingen SDA Church (Germany)

Nursing Home Ministry: There will be Nursing Home Ministry this afternoon at 3PM. If you are able, come and join by singing and visiting the elderly people.

Samaritan Center Dock Offloading: Please join us as we offload the dock at Samaritan Center after the sundown tonight (around 9). It will be fun, and many hands make light work. 

Lost and Found:  Have you lost something here at South Bay? It may be in our Lost and Found located in the childrens' wing. There are some nice things that will soon be taken to the Samaritan Center or Goodwill.

United in Prayer | Every Sabbath, 8:50-9:20 a.m. | South Bay SDA Church 
Please note that the united time of prayer every Sabbath morning is from 8:50-9:20 a.m.
The prayer team would like you to know that they have organized to pray for every family and every child in the church. If you would like to request prayer for a specific person or issue, you can request prayer at southbaysda.org/prayer.

Prayer After Divine Service
Join us in front of the platform for a short time of prayer immediately following  the divine service.

Sunset Today: 8:48PM  
Sunset Next Friday: 8:42PM

This Week

Men's Breakfast: Tomorrow, cooking starts at 7:30. The eating and meeting will start at 8:30 and will end at 10AM.

Fellowship Meal for August 3
Theme is Brunch Favorites. Blanca Casas and Gwen Wolff's team will lead out.
A-J: Breakfast Protein (ex: Scramble Tofu, Tofu Casserole, Tofu Quiche, Veggie Sausage Casserole, Bean and Cheese Breakfast Burritos, Bean/Veggie Meat Patties) PLUS BREAKFAST BREAD
K-Z: Breakfast Potato Dish (ex: Hash Potatoes with veggies, Potato Casserole, Hash Brown, Tater Tot Casserole) PLUS FRUIT SALAD
If you are going to stay for the fellowship meal, please PLAN TO CONTRIBUTE. We have lots of guests each Sabbath. Let’s show hospitality to them by bringing DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of the main dish. Thank you!

New Nature Study Homeschool Class: Want your child to fall in love with their Creator through the study of nature-and develop their observation and critical thinking skills in the process? This school year, join a small class on Thursday mornings in exploring the exciting lessons of God’s second book. The class will be geared for 4th through 9th graders. Reach out to Rachael Gates at rach_gates@yahoo.com for more information! Space is limited.

Timor-Leste It Is Written Mission Trip
– HOW YOU CAN HELP. So far there are 22 people signed up for the Timor-Leste trip, scheduled for Nov. 10-Dec. 2, 2024. But your help is still needed in the following areas; 1) financial support – the needs both physical and spiritual in Timor-Leste and huge, but getting there to provide the help is costly. We have many volunteers, but still need donations to help fund the travel and materials. Our goal is $20,000, and so far we have a little over $3,000. Please mark your donations for the "Short Term Mission Trip Assist." On a printed envelope, write it in under the Local Offerings section; on the Adventist Giving website, it is one of the choices under "Local Offerings." 2) We are looking for another dentist and an optometrist or ophthalmologist. 3) Other positions such as speakers, children’s program leaders, and support staff are still open. For more information please contact Royce Snyman at 517-331-1419.

Summer Sanctuary/Temple review. The review starts everyTuesday, 5:00-6:30 pm.  We will meet before the Tuesday night meeting. This review is especially for new members. But any church member is welcome.
Bring your bagged supper and meet in Fellowship Hall. We will eat together and then explore the wonders of the sanctuary.

Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP): "Are you or your loved ones suffering from depression or anxiety? There is hope! The Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program offers solutions! Not only will you learn how to identify depression and anxiety and their causes, you will also enhance your energy levels, sleep quality, mood, relationships, and emotional intelligence. DARP provides positive thinking techniques, nutritional education, and much more to increase brain function, manage stress, live above loss, and achieve peak mental performance. Come to the FREE information presentation on Tuesday, August 20, or Thursday, August 22 at the South Bay Health Center, 4605 Redlands Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416. Dr. Nedley, Director of DARP, will share by video the way to "Get your life back!" Just by attending this introductory session you will begin the healing process, even if you never attend DARP! For more information, call 423-708-2495.

Volunteers are also needed to help with DARP. If you are willing to help others, please call. We need those who are willing to be trained to serve as facilitators, as well as people who are willing to help with the DARP program: i.e., registrar, AV person, and greeters.
Anna Rocha, Associate Director, DARP

United in Prayer - YOUTH: A prayer line led by youth is taking place each week day at 6:46AM!  This prayer line is led by young people but is open to anyone who would like to participate.

Deaconess Ministry: The deaconesses will be visiting people in need or shut - ins. If you know anyone who needs visitation, please contact Marian Kelch at 563-260-5118.

Morning Prayer Line: Remember we meet each weekday morning from 5:30-6 AM for prayer via ZOOM and Sabbath mornings from 8:50 - 9:20 AM here at the church.  The ZOOM link is under the prayer section of the church app.  

Further Out

UPCOMING EVENTS | Mark Your Calendars:
  • July 27 - Morning Message -  Wes Peppers
  • July 27 - Nursing Home Ministry 3PM
  • July 27 - Samaritan Center Dock Offloading 9:15
  • July 28 - Men's Prayer and Breakfast 7:30AM
  • July 30 - Midweek Connection 6:30AM
  • August 3 - Morning Message - Pastor Jeremy
  • August 3 - Fellowship Meal
  • August 3 - Nursing Home Ministry 3PM
  • August 3 - Stephen Mills Baptism at River 5PM
  • August 4 - PF and ADV Club Registration 2-4PM
  • August 6 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • August 10 - Family Life Weekend
  • August 10 - Elder's Lunch and Meeting
  • August 10 - Homeless Ministry 2PM
  • August 10 - AY Vespers 7PM
  • August 13 - PF and ADV Club Registration 6PM
  • August 13 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • August 14 - Elder's Meeting 6PM
  • August 14 - Church Board Meeting 7PM
  • August 17 - Fellowship Meal
  • August 17 - Afternoon Outreach Activity 1:30PM
  • August 17 - Macy's Baptism 3:30PM
  • August 17 - Benjamin's Baptism 5:30PM
  • August 18 - TCI Project 10AM
  • August 19 - Dinner with the Doctor 6PM
  • August 20 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • August 20 - Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program 6:30PM
  • August 21 - Apologetics Meetings 6:30PM
  • August 22 - Apologetics Meetings 6:30PM
  • August 22 - Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program 6:30PM
  • August 23 - Apologetics Meetings 6:30PM
  • August 24 - Morning Message -  Pastor Jeremy
  • August 24 - Nursing Home Ministry 3PM
  • August 24 - Apologetics Meetings 6:30PM
  • August 24 - Samaritan Center Dock Offloading 
  • August 25 - Men's Prayer and Breakfast 7:30AM
  • August 25 - PF and ADV Parent Meeting
  • August 25 - Apologetics Meeting 6:30PM
  • August 26 - Fall Cooking Class 6:30PM
  • August 27 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • August 31 - Morning Message - Pastor Jeremy
  • August 31 - Welcome Back Social

Offering Report

Yearly budget goal 


Monthly budget goal


Church budget received 2024YTD


Church budget status 2024 YTD


Church budget received MTD
