March 29, 2025, 11:00 a.m.

Enter with Praise
Sophia, Sofia, and Emily

Welcome & Prayer
Stoyan Grakov

Opening Hymn
294 Power in the Blood

Offering Call
Dietmar Tonn
Church Budget

Scripture Reading
Gavin Tonn

Morning Prayer

Stoyan Grakov

Special Music
Shea Yeager

Morning Message
Pastor Jeremy
How to Serve Those You Don't Like!

Ordinance of Humility

Children's Story 
Josh Fraker
Community Room


Closing Hymn
184 Jesus Paid It All

Pastor Jeremy

Pianist:Jonathan Abraham,  Doug Pratt  Choristers: Sophia, Sofia, and Emily



Sunset Today:7:59PM  
Sunset Next Friday:8:04PM

Transfer Out/Second Reading:
Carlos Santibanez to Muskogee SDA Church (Muskogee, OK)

Announcements:  Send announcements for Tuesday's newsletter to the church office at Announcements for the Relay - sent by the pastor on Fridays - should be sent to

The church plant meets in the fellowship hall for Sabbath school. Please attend if you are interested in being involved. For more information please contact Keith Detwieler at (816-261-6142) or

The mission vespers tonight at 7PM. Elizabeth Marquez will inspire all of us as she reports the results of the mission trip to El Salvador. The team included South Bay members and a pastor/evangelist from the GCC. They conducted an evangelism series and provided supplies for the children’s programs. Come and be blessed and learn what your generous donations accomplished for the glory of God!

Help with Transportation: Abhishek needs a team of 26 individuals who would be willing to offer a ride to someone in need to church on Sabbath mornings.  If we have 26 volunteers, then each volunteer would only give a ride once a quarter.  If you are willing to help with this, please contact Abhishek.

We are anticipating 200-450 Bible study requests later this month when the Great Controversy books are distributed.  We need your help with following up on the Bible Study requests.  Please send an email to and share your name and how many studies you are interested in taking and Sergio, our interest coordinator will make note of it.

United in Prayer | Every Sabbath, 8:50-9:20 a.m. | South Bay SDA Church 
Please note that the united time of prayer every Sabbath morning is from 8:50-9:20 a.m.
The prayer team would like you to know that they have organized to pray for every family and every child in the church. If you would like to request prayer for a specific person or issue, you can request prayer at

This Week

Join the SouthBay Choir in sharing sacred music! Practice Friday evening Apr 4 at 6:30PM.Contact Eric Nelson to receive music to practice.

SOULutions Recovery, a support group for those who are suffering, meets every other week.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 3, 6:30pm.  All meetings are live at the South Bay Church. If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Hise (423)279-8103 or Nadine Steele (909) 219-2589.

International Food Festival: APRIL 13, 11am - 2pm. If you would like to participate by dressing and decorating tables and providing food samples, Please click here  to register no later than Sunday April 7.

Spring Gardening Class: We are having a gardening class on April 14 from 6:30PM. If you are interested in learning how to start a garden, you won't want to miss this workshop.

Women’s retreat is coming up April 25-27. Although there were no openings, we had a recent cancellation. We now have a private bedroom with two queens and a bathroom. First come first serve. or text 517-331-1433.

GCC Marriage Retreat: Registration is open for the GCC Marriage Retreat at Cohutta Springs, September 19-21, 2025. The speakers are Elder Ray and Jeanne Hartwell, who have served as  a retired conference president and family life director, respectively. To register, please visit

Prayer Ministry: In an effort to bathe our church in prayer in 2025, prayer ministries is coordinating an effort by which we are asking every member to be involved in praying for every church member two days out of the year. Imagine if every day of 2025, you knew that someone in your church family was lifting your name up specifically in prayer. Please sign up for two days using the calendar in the church foyer.

United in Prayer - YOUTH: A prayer line led by youth is taking place each week day at 6:46AM. This prayer line is led by young people but is open to anyone who would like to participate.

Deaconess Ministry: The deaconesses will be visiting people in need or shut - ins. If you know anyone who needs visitation, please contact Marian Kelch at 563-260-5118.

Morning Prayer Line: Remember we meet each weekday morning from 5:30-6 AM for prayer via ZOOM and Sabbath mornings from 8:50 - 9:20 AM at the church.  The ZOOM link is under the prayer section of the church app.  

Further Out

UPCOMING EVENTS | Mark Your Calendars
  • March 29 - Communion Sabbath
  • March 29 - Pathfinder Bible Experience - Union
  • March 29 - Mission Vespers 7PM
  • March 30 - Adventurer Family Fitness Day
  • March 31 - Best Weigh 6PM
  • April 1 - PF/ADV Meeting 6PM
  • April 1 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • April 3 - SOULutions 6:30PM
  • April 4-6 - Pathfinder Friends Campout at Gee Creek
  • April 5 - Health Celebration Sabbath
  • April 5 - Fellowship Meal
  • April 5 - Family Nature Hike 3PM
  • April 5 - Nursing Home Ministry 3PM
  • April 8 - PF/ADV Meeting 6PM
  • April 8 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • April 9 - Church Board Meeting 7PM
  • April 11-13 - Pathfinder Voyager Campout to Gee Creek
  • April 12 - Homeless Ministry 2PM
  • April 13 - International Food Festival 11AM-2PM
  • April 14 - Gardening Class 6:30PM
  • April 15 - PF/ADV Meeting 6PM
  • April 15 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • April 17 - SOULutions 6:30PM
  • April 19 - DOPAF - Jerry Page
  • April 19 - Singles Ministry 7PM
  • April 21 - Dinner with the Doctor 6PM
  • April 22 - Midweek Connection 6:30PM
  • April  25 -27 - Sentinels Family Club Campout at Eli Field.
  • April 25 -27 - Women's Retreat
  • April 26 - Pathfinder Bible Experience - Division
  • April 26 - Nursing Home Ministry 3PM
  • April 26 - AY Vespers 7PM
  • April 26 - Samaritan Center Dock Offloading 8:45PM
  • April 28 - Spring Cooking Class 6PM
  • April 29 - Pathfinder Investiture 6:30PM

Offering Report

Yearly budget goal 


Monthly budget goal


Church budget received MTD
